Hello readers, It is our pleasure to inform all candidates who registered for JUPEB 2017/2018 academic session that the examination time table have been released by the moderating body (University of Lagos). The JUPEB examination timetable being released will start on Tuesday 12th of June, and end on Thursday 21th of June 2018 at all JUPEB affiliated universities.

2017/18 Jupeb examination timetable
For those who might want a clearer copy, click this link to download ➧
JUPEB 2017/18 examination timetable.
Hence, candidates are to get there JUPEB examination number by proceeding to the institutions or study centres where they are running the programme.
Meanwhile, students in an affiliated study centre should know that they may need to travel to an accredited JUPEB examination center where they have been duly registered to write the examination.
It is also worthy to note that JUPEB examination timetable or questions is the same throughout the whole JUPEB affiliated universities i.e there is no difference between JUPEB examination timetable or questions of Unilag and the one of Uniben.
Are you are wondering what is next? The next thing is to start preparing ahead of the examination as there is no short-cut to JUPEB examination success. Thus, avoid paying fraudster who may disguise that he/she shall provide you with JUPEB examination expo (such is never possible with JUPEB examination).
However, if you have any issue regarding your JUPEB examination or otherwise, don’t hesitate to drop a comment or reach us via the contact details provided at the top of the post.
Furthermore, registrations are still open for 2019/20 session. The programme can be applied for at any of the partner or affiliate universities, applicants are to visit the official website of the interested universities for registration instructions. Our advise to many admission seeker is to stop sitting at home and writing JAMB yearly without securing admission, enroll for JUPEB programme today. To register, candidates are required to read the procedures on ➧
JUPEB 2019/20 registration instructions.
However, for more information on this JUPEB, JUPEB 2019/20 registration, JUPEB centres in Nigeria, Universities Accepting JUPEB and lot more visit ➧
Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB)
Please I need jupeb
entrance exam past question
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visit http://jupeb.edu.ng/past-questions/ for free download.
Please when will our results be out
I need jupeb timetable